Trip to Maine

Last weekend Joe and I flew up to Maine, from different cities, where we met up with our friend Lindsay, who lives in Rockland.

Inside the tiny plane from Boston to Rockland, Maine.

View from the tiny plane.

Lobster attack.

Lobster-loving cat.

View from lobster shack.

This man sauntered out to the end of the pier where we were looking at lobster gear, taking pictures like tourists. It was his lobster gear, and he told us all about lobstering. He explained the workings of buoys, ropes and pots (the boxes). He described how lobstermen support each other and how they poach. He complained about the licensing system and bragged about his lobstermen grandsons. All in a classic Maine accent. One of his grandsons is a "scahpah," he said. Should I sympathize? No, turns out the young man fishes for scallops: he's a "scalloper."

A dusky walk to the shore. If mosquitoes cast shadows, there'd be little light in this picture.

Sunset in a tidepool.

This is something I love about rocks. "Like a rock," we say, and we mean "solid." But rocks have veins like this, filled with other rock, evidence that rock once flowed into cracks. Everything has changed, everything will change.

It took people around 15 years at the end of the nineteenth century to build this breakwater. Can you see that the water on the right side, the harbor side, is calmer than on the left?


Anonymous said…
Have you all read Stern Men? It's abt lobster fisherfolks in that part of the world. V. good. A woman author.

Also, I think more flattering pics of our beautiful friend Linds are in order. The rest of us wont let you take our pics if we now know they'll be fair-game for your blog. jk