I'm Official

On my first day of work, I watched videos about
  1. ethics
  2. the history of the NPS
  3. sexual harassment
  4. a retirement savings option similar to a 401k
The ethics video was particularly long. It had been taped from a live satellite broadcast, so the video quality was pretty bad. At its beginning, the two hosts, both Department of Interior ethics specialists and both named Art, joked about a stuffed animal named Arf. Arf had a handlettered sign around its neck that read, "Charismatic Meta Fauna." At least one of the Arts was a lawyer. Production quality and length aside, it was pretty interesting, and it accounts for the new disclaimer at the bottom of this page.

I filled out a lot of forms.

And, standing in front of the flag in the back corner of the HR office, with my right hand over my heart, I affirmed that, "I, ____________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that
  • I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God. (Oath of Office)
  • I am not participating in any strike against the Government of the United States or any agency thereof, and I will not so participate while an employee of the Government of the United States or any agency thereof. (Affidavit as to Striking Against the Federal Government)
  • I have not, nor has anyone acting in my behalf, given, transferred, promised or paid any consideration for or in expectation or hope of receiving assistance in securing this appointment. (Affidavit as to the Purchase and Sale of Office)"
I wasn't expecting this. It rather took me aback. I don't have any problem with it, but I wish I'd had a chance to think about it, first. Oh, and I left out the "So help me God" part. What do you think?

Also, I had my picture taken.

Please note the bison. Also, the necklace I'm wearing is the early work of Jessica Beels.


cmcq said…
Yeah. You gotta wonder, though, what I'm suppposed to do about the foreign enemies of the Constitution. D'you think this oath applies to my life outside of the job? And, of course, I'm worried that such questions constitute "mental reservation." Am I forsworn?
Anonymous said…
Basically some will read it as "I agree to drink the kool-aid.", but I know that is not your interpretation. And the new disclaimer is a lawyer thing, I agree with you doing it, but hate that you have to.
Thanks for sharing, your site makes great lunchtime reading!
cmcq said…
Tom, if it comes to kool-aid, I'd rather be sorry than (legally) safe. Thanks for leaving a note!
Anonymous said…
Cait: this blog stuff is amazing! I dont know how you do it. I have been thinking abt you & your new life & I love that I can just click & find out how it's going. So far, so good! I wonder when they send you to an actual natl park! jk
cmcq said…
Just for interest, Friends O' Mine, here's what our young Waveflux committed himself to:

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

Hmm. Was a there a statute of limitations on that oath, Waveflux? I particularly wonder having worked with you at MHS, which can offer such challenges to Scout Law.