Thank you, friends.

On Saturday, our house was filled with reasons it
will be hard to move away for a year. Our friends
and Joe's cooking.

How could I leave these beautiful women?

Even when Hope isn't so happy, Scot and Mary Ellen
are happy to have her.

People from different parts of our lives, in conversation.
My favorite thing.

Michael's a charmer. He's the one on the left.

Eric says the longer he and Monika are married,
the harder it is to tell them apart. Cool, huh?


Anonymous said…
Well, I'm sad to say that I actually missed a party in St. Louis! It looks like it was fun and I'm sure Joe did a great job on food - he always does! I wish I had been there to enjoy the wonderful company and spend time with you before you leave for the East Coast! Hopefully I will see you soon, though. I love you!