In D.C.

Last Thursday, we went to D.C. to see Joe's brother, Bill, play softball on the Mall. Bill works for a Representative and plays in the Congressional Softball League. That's him, launching for first.

The brothers and the Capitol. A secret prize to the first person to figure out where Bill's team's name, Chico's Bail Bonds, comes from.

The guy to the left is modeling the back of the T-shirt: Shut up, pitch!

We also visited the National Museum of the American Indian. We spent only an hour or so inside and saw some of two exhibits: Our Lives and Our Peoples.

The building is gorgeous, I think. The stone glows gold in the light, and it got ruddier as the sun set. There are pools and fountains around one side, and a huge, stories-high, brightly lit hall where you enter on the inside. The irregular curves on the outside make it look like a different building with every few steps you take around it.

The guy whose company supplied and cut the Kasota limestone, from Minnesota, said, " 'There is not a straight edge on the building. The stone splits to over 50 different curves, both concave and convex. The ever-changing curves were quite a challenge. No curve is repeated. Every wall has a different curve, and no two same radii can be found on the building.' He said that since none of the stones are interchangeable, every piece was shipped in sequence for each specific area as it was being worked on."


Unknown said…
nice pic man, very interesting.
cmcq said…
Thanks, mattora. I like this picture on your site.
Anonymous said…
I read about the National Museum of the American Indian in Smithsonian Magazine a few months ago and was facinated. Being in architecture, I really admire the building itself and will make a point of visiting the next time I'm in the area visiting Bill or you!
What did you think of the exhibits? Were they worth the time? I know you weren't there for very long, but I was just curious about your reaction.
And I think those two brothers are cute, even if I'm their sister! I have no idea what Chico's Bail Bonds means....but when I googled it, Bad News Bears came up a few times....can you enlighten us?
cmcq said…
Sarah, I intend to say some more about the exhibits at NMAI, but I want to do a little more research, first. I totally ducked the issue and you caught me!

Bad News Bears is close enough!

You're the winner of
the secret prize!!!
Watch your mailbox...

Chico's Bail Bonds was the sponsor of the team before they became the BNBs.
Anonymous said…
I love Google!