Degrees of separation

When I mentioned meeting with my boss' boss' boss' boss, Polymath asked, "how many 'boss' in a row are there between you and the president?"

Here goes, starting with my immediate supervisor:
  1. Project Manager
  2. Deputy Director of Workflow
  3. Manager, HFC
  4. Deputy Associate Director of Partnerships, Interpretation and Education, Volunteers, and Outdoor Recreation
  5. Associate Director of Partnerships, Interpretation and Education, Volunteers, and Outdoor Recreation
  6. Deputy Director, Operations
  7. Director, National Park Service
  8. Assistant Secretary, Fish and Wildlife and Parks
  9. Secretary of the Interior
  10. President
Before my job got switched around, I was actually one "boss" closer to the President. Guess they got nervous.

Extra bonus fact: there are 20,485 employees in the NPS.
(Actually, that's FTE's, if you care to be precise.)


Anonymous said…
The Deputy Associate Director of Partnerships, Interpretation and Education, Volunteers, and Outdoor Recreation....
Does s/he get an extra big business card to list all that?
I tried to email him/her at:
but the email didn't go thru. I must have missspelled something in there.
Anonymous said…
That was DeputyAssociateDirectorPartnershipsInterpretation-

The correct address is
cmcq said…
The folks in that division recently had a big summmit meeting. One topic of conversation: what else could they call themselves? Could they at least come up with a name that made a better acronym--it's been PIEVOR.

Got anything better?
Anonymous said…
So you met with the Associate Director of Partnerships, Interpretation and Education, Volunteers, and Outdoor Recreation? What's your title?
cmcq said…
Who wants to know?
Anonymous said…
A taxpayer, that's who. I pay your salary, and the salary of the people in the NSA, for that matter, and we all want to know your title, and if you won't tell us, we have our ways of finding out.
love, your "anonymous is easier" friend
Anonymous said…
I'm a Staff Curator

(y'know, you don't need a password. If you select "Other" and then type in any name you want, it'll post your comment without any hoopla or alarm bells)