Lunch table conversation

Between five and ten HFC staffers eat lunch around a table near my cubicle every day. They're nearly all people who work on exhibits, with a couple from other groups mixed in, and they're mostly men.

This week, tv shows were a topic of conversation. "Do you watch American Idol?" Mr. Culture asked the other new planner.

"No. I don't have cable. I'm just happy that I get more than 3 channels at my new place."

"Good! You're my kind of people." He turned to me, "What about you?"

I felt the need to come clean. "Well, I don't watch it, but I actually watch a lot of tv - I just don't happen to like that show."

"That's a shame."

Mr. Hip stepped in. "C'mon, we're supposed to be reaching the American people. We gotta watch this kind of stuff, to know our audience."

"Exactly," I said, "The way to the hearts of the American people is through sit-coms."

"Who wants to reach the hearts of the American people?" said Mr. Intellectual.

"What do you all think: Tom and Katie - are they for real?" Mr. Hip challenged the table.

"Who are Tom and Katie?" Mr. Culture said to me.

I don't think you'll be seeing any Tom and Katie allusions in the National Parks anytime soon. Or even any references to American Idol.


Anonymous said…
Very interesting. How about pictures of Mr. Culture, Mr. Intellectual, Mr. Hip, Ms. Other New Girl, Mr. Cait's Boss, Mr. and Ms. Neighbors in the Complex and any other players in the cast?
cmcq said…
Not a chance. You'll have to use your imagination. If my co-workers ever discover this site, I'd like them to find I've been discreet.
Anonymous said…
Smart woman! You know abt that P-D guy who got fired for blogging abt his workplace. jk