absolute delight

Yesterday Joe and I drove over the Bay Bridge. Not the one in California. The one leading to Maryland's Eastern Shore from Annapolis. The first summer day, here, and we picniced in the grass in Oxford, took the car ferry to St. Michaels and strolled its upscale sidewalks, dined on crab by the Tilghman Island drawbridge. All of which was completely delightful and would make its own blog post, except for this one, small detour we made, on seeing an "open house" sign along the road.

We turned into a narrow drive and pulled up in front of this house at 5901 Trippe Creek Drive. It has twice as many bathrooms as bedrooms, 3 or 4 refrigerators, several rooms that are variations on "living room," an outdoor stove-top and grill by the pool, and specially designated rooms for sauna, massage, dog-grooming (yes, dog grooming, with a specialized doggy bath tub and a haircut table), gun storage, wine storage, watching movies, and exercise. You can control tvs and speakers throughout the house from a central location and, apparantly, program every single light bulb in the house to go on or off at certain times of day--or when you pull your Mercedes (available for a special deal when you purchase the house) into one of the 5 garage spaces. Oh, and the whole thing's furnished. Except the apartment over the garage for the staff. Or your mother-in-law, if she's handy with a lawn-mower.

It was fun, actually, to be alternately outraged and amused as we turned corners. Seemed like all the other dozen or so people we encountered were tourists, too. Surely people who consider spending $6.5 million dollars on something like that would prefer to shop in privacy. I would. I'd be so embarassed.

Oh, you can also see the house at www.absolutedelight.info
