arrival in Paris

I'm trying to fool my body into thinking it's 6:46pm. My body knows better.

Our greatest adventure in the past couple days was actually in Boston, where we thought we'd be having a dull 4 hour layover at Logan. Instead, after discovering I"d left my laptop's power adapter in Maryland, we called the friendly neighborhood Hilton hotel concierge for advice and he directed us precisely to the nearest Radio Shack. In Boston. On the T. And, as we had extra time, we stopped for a sushi lunch.

In Boston, within sight of Radio Shack

Since arriving in Paris, we've tried desparately to stay awake by such torturous measures as:
  • showering in our utterly charming apartment
  • drinking coffee at sidewalk cafes
  • wandering the picturesque streets
Picturesque street

  • eating lunch with a view of the historic Place des Vosges
View of historic Places des Vosges
  • admiring Notre Dame cathedralNotre Dame and an admirer
  • and smooching on a bridge over the Seine.

A bientot!


Anonymous said…
Hooray! I've been checking your blog quite a bit and was wondering when we'd hear from you again. A month without updates seems like a long time for you... of course I could have emailed, though for some reason I can't seem to hold onto the address.

Happy to hear you're in the city of love... and that's one hell of a way of "forcing" yourself to stay awake.

Big love -- jeanne
cmcq said…
Hey, Jeanne! Thanks for popping in.

Yeah, since Joe arrived in Frederick, I've badly neglected the blog. But we've got a wireless connection here in the Marais (the Parisian neighborhood we're staying in), so it's a great way to record and spread the news.

Now, what else can I do to stay awake...